
"Where" questions...

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"What" questions...

Where does cannabis grow freely?

Cannabis grows freely in many places around the world but typically thrives in areas with high temperature and humidity such as South America, Africa, and Asia.

Where does cannabis grow indigenously?

Cannabis grows indigenously in a wide variety of areas in South America, Africa, and Asia

Where does cannabis grow in India?

Due to the large urban areas in India, wild cannabis is typically found in rural or mountain regions.

Where can you grow cannabis in Colorado?

Cannabis has been legalized for recreational use by the state of Colorado since 2012. At this time, any resident of Colorado may cultivate up to 6 plants, 3 of which can be in the flowering stage in an enclosed, locked space. Growers and consumers must also be above 21 years of age.

Where to grow cannabis in Oregon?

Cannabis has been legalized for recreational use by the state of Oregon since 2015.  At this time, any resident of Oregon may cultivate up to 4 plants in an enclosed, locked space.  Growers and consumers must also be above 21 years of age.

Where can you grow cannabis in California?

Cannabis has been legalized for recreational use by the state of California since 2016.  At this time, any resident of California may cultivate up to 6 plants in an enclosed, locked space.  Growers and consumers must also be above 21 years of age.

Where can you grow cannabis legally?

Many countries around the world have laws in place for the cultivation of cannabis, either for medical or recreational use.  Please consult this Wikipedia page for a breakdown.

Where does cannabis grow best?

Although there are many factors that contribute to the growth quality of cannabis, the highest potency products are typically grown in a controlled indoor environment, and the largest (by size) plants grow outdoors.

Where does cannabis grow naturally in the world?

Cannabis grows naturally in many places around the world but typically thrives in areas with high temperature and humidity such as South America, Africa, and Asia.

Where does cannabis grow wild?

Cannabis grows in the wild in many places around the world but typically thrives in areas with high temperature and humidity such as South America, Africa, and Asia.

Where can we grow cannabis?

As long as an appropriate amount of water, light, and basic plant nutrients are present, cannabis can, and will grow almost anywhere. As for whether it’s allowed to be grown, you would need to consult local and federal laws by country.

Which cannabis plant do you smoke?

As long as it’s grown well and it’s tasty, we’ll smoke any kind of cannabis. Also, typically the female cannabis plant produces the buds that one would smoke.

Which cannabis plant is not a general species?

All cannabis plants would fall into a species category. As “Cannabis” is the genus name for this variety of plant, Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa, and Cannabis Ruderalis are the different species. Hybrid plants, or plants resulting from the cross-breeding of 2 or more of above listed species, may be considered “non-general” but there is still usually a dominance of one of the contributing varieties.

Which cannabis plant has/produces THC?

The female cannabis plant produces THC. Male cannabis plants or hemp plants, do not produce significant levels of THC

Which cannabis plants produce the most buds?

Bud production is generally influenced by cultivation techniques and environment, not genetics.  Although some varieties produce larger buds than others, this does not really influence the number of buds.

Which cannabis plants' bud?

All cannabis plants produce flowering buds, however because cannabis plants produce both male and female variants, only the female plants produce what would typically be known as “bud”.

Which cannabis plants yield the most?

It is very difficult to determine which variety of cannabis produces the largest yield at harvest due to the ever-changing styles of growing, cross-breeding, and quality control methods.  That being said, the largest yields can typically be produced with outdoor plants.

Which cannabis plant has the most THC?

It is very difficult to determine which variety of cannabis produces the highest levels of THC due to the ever-changing styles of growing, cross-breeding, and quality control methods.  However, due to selective breeding, it would appear that the highest THC levels are accomplished with hybrid strains containing both indica and sativa genetics.

Which cannabis plant has seeds?

Only the female cannabis plant produces seeds and all cannabis varieties will produce seeds if exposed to male cannabis pollen.

Which cannabis plant produces bud?

All cannabis plants produce flowering buds, however because cannabis plants produce both male and female variants, only the female plants produce what would typically be known as “bud”.

Which seeds grow cannabis?

If no intervention has been applied during a cannabis seed production operation, approximately 50% of all of the seeds produced will grow marijuana (female flowering plants), whereas the remaining 50% will result in  male plants.  Breeders can also create “feminized” seeds by using special techniques which result in 100% female seeds.

Which states grow cannabis?

Whether legal or illegal, due to the popularity of cannabis, it’s safe to say that cannabis cultivation is done in all us states.  With regards to legal cultivation, an in-depth statement on us state laws regarding the cultivation of cannabis can be found here.

Nuns who grow medical cannabis?

After researching this topic, we were easily able to find some stories about a growing collective from California that operate as “Sisters of the Valley”. This is the extent of our knowledge of this topic.

Who can grow medical cannabis?

Many countries around the world have laws in place for the cultivation of cannabis, either for medical or recreational use. Please consult this Wikipedia page for a breakdown: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_country

5 brothers who grow cannabis?

We’re not familiar with what you may be talking about. There are likely a lot of 5 brother families growing cannabis at this time.

Who can grow cannabis in BC?

At this time, it is legal to grow 4 cannabis plants for personal use. For more information on Canadian cannabis laws, refer to the following link.

Who can grow cannabis legally?

Many countries around the world have laws in place for the cultivation of cannabis, either for medical or recreational use.  Please consult this wikipedia page for a breakdown.

Who can grow cannabis in Arizona?

At this time, the laws pertaining to the cultivation of cannabis are ever-changing.  For more information on us state laws relating to cannabis, please refer to the following link.

Who can grow cannabis in California legally?

Cannabis has been legalized for recreational use by the state of california since 2016.  At this time, any resident of california may cultivate up to 6 plants in an enclosed, locked space.  Growers and consumers must also be above 21 years of age.

Who can grow cannabis in Illinois?

At this time, the laws pertaining to the cultivation of cannabis are ever-changing.  For more information on us state laws relating to cannabis, please refer to the following link.

Who can grow cannabis in Canada?

At this time, the laws pertaining to the cultivation of cannabis are ever-changing. For more information on Canadian cannabis laws, refer to the following link.

Who can grow cannabis in Florida?

At this time, the laws pertaining to the cultivation of cannabis are ever-changing.  For more information on us state laws relating to cannabis, please refer to the following link.

Who can grow cannabis in Michigan?

At this time, the laws pertaining to the cultivation of cannabis are ever-changing.  For more information on us state laws relating to cannabis, please refer to the following link.

Who can grow cannabis in Ohio?

At this time, the laws pertaining to the cultivation of cannabis are ever-changing.  For more information on us state laws relating to cannabis, please refer to the following link.

Who can grow cannabis in Massachusetts?

At this time, the laws pertaining to the cultivation of cannabis are ever-changing.  For more information on us state laws relating to cannabis, please refer to the following link.

Who can grow cannabis?

Anyone can literally grow cannabis.  It’s a weed and as such, it grows like one.  As long as you put a little love into the process, you can grow a plant successfully. Many countries around the world have laws in place for the cultivation of cannabis, either for medical or recreational use.  Please consult this Wikipedia page for a breakdown.

Who can grow cannabis in Washington state?

Only individuals with an i502 license are allowed to grow cannabis legally in Washington State.

What temperature to grow cannabis?

The ideal temperature for growing cannabis is between 74-78 degrees Fahrenheit (23-25 degree Celcius)

What helps cannabis grow?

There are 4 factors that affect how cannabis grows: the grower, the environment (room), genetics, and plant nutrients. Depending on the quality of these 4 component, this will determine whether a plant will be small and disappointing, or large and fruitful.

What helps cannabis grow faster?

Generally speaking, quality light exposure and quality nutrients will help accelerate the growth of cannabis. There is also something to be said about effective problem solving. Various issues can slow the growth process and the quicker these issues are resolved, the better the plants grow.

What makes cannabis grow faster?

Generally speaking, quality light exposure and quality nutrients will help accelerate the growth of cannabis. There is also something to be said about effective problem solving. Various issues can slow the growth process and the quicker these issues are resolved, the better the plants grow.

What's a cannabis grow-op?

A cannabis grow-op (operation) generally refers to any cannabis garden that is purposely set up for controlled cultivation.

What cannabis plant produces the most?

It is very difficult to determine which variety of cannabis produces the largest yield at harvest due to the ever-changing styles of growing, cross-breeding, and quality control methods.  That being said, the largest yields can typically be produced with outdoor plants.

What cannabis plants need?

Cannabis plants need sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow.  Everything else on top of and around these three components will determine the effectiveness of each of them.  Cannabis is a weed, and will really grow anywhere.  Growing well is another factor.

What cannabis plants have seeds?

All female cannabis plants can produce seeds if exposed to male cannabis pollen.

What cannabis plant has the most THC?

It is very difficult to determine which variety of cannabis produces the highest levels of THC due to the ever-changing styles of growing, cross-breeding, and quality control methods.  However, due to selective breeding, it would appear that the highest THC levels are accomplished with hybrid strains containing both indica and sativa genetics.

What cannabis plant look like?

We could get into a detailed description on what the plant looks like but i feel like a quick google search might give you the best answer.

What cannabis plant produces seeds?

All female cannabis plants can produce seeds if exposed to male cannabis pollen.

What cannabis plant produces the most bud?

It is very difficult to determine which variety of cannabis produces the largest yield at harvest due to the ever-changing styles of growing, cross-breeding, and quality control methods.  That being said, the largest yields can typically be produced with outdoor plants.

What cannabis plant yields the most?

It is very difficult to determine which variety of cannabis produces the largest yield at harvest due to the ever-changing styles of growing, cross-breeding, and quality control methods.  That being said, the largest yields can typically be produced with outdoor plants.

What to grow cannabis indoors?

There are 3 broad types of grow medium:  soil (dirt), soil-less (coco coir, rockwool, etc), and water (hydroponics).  All 3 can be used for indoor grows, with the last (water) requiring specific hydroponic equipment in order to grow successfully.

What companies grow cannabis?

With cannabis legality becoming more common around the world, there are a lot of companies, public and private, who are starting to cultivate for the open market.  There are simply too many to list and independent research would need to be done to find some.

What seeds grow cannabis?

If no intervention has been applied during a cannabis seed production operation, approximately 50% of all of the seeds produced will grow marijuana (female flowering plants), whereas the remaining 50% will result in (male plants).  Breeders can also create “feminized” seeds by using special techniques which result in 100% female seeds.

What states grow cannabis?

Whether legal or illegal, due to the popularity of cannabis, it’s safe to say that cannabis cultivation is done in all us states.  With regards to legal cultivation, an in-depth statement on us state laws regarding the cultivation of cannabis can be found here.

What countries grow cannabis?

Many countries around the world have laws in place for the cultivation of cannabis, either for medical or recreational use.  Please consult this Wikipedia page for a breakdown.

What to grow cannabis in?

There are 3 broad types of grow medium:  soil (dirt), soil-less (coco coir, rockwool, etc), and water (hydroponics).  All 3 can be used for indoor grows, with the last (water) requiring specific hydroponic equipment in order to grow successfully.